Monday, June 6, 2011

Out of Africa...

We've left the continent of Africa and now it's time to debrief... in Greece.

Nick and I decided that while we were over in this neck of the woods we would take this opportunity to see other parts of the world. So while the rest of our team heads back to the states, we are visiting Greece. Just the 2 of us - 2nd honeymoon style.  (if honeymoons included cheap hostels, american airlines miles and clif bars for lunch)

Thank you for all of your continued prayers. We had a blessed and fruitful time in Uganda and can't wait to see what God is going to do through the Galileo School.  The stories of the children are overwhelming and there is much work to be done. We are so thankful for our time there and will take their stories home with us.

Anne, the filmaker, is quickly working to put together the short film on the Galileo school.  I'll put a link up as soon as we are able.

Stay tuned for Galileo school updates. I anticipate child sponsorship opportunities coming soon. 



  1. What a wonderful way to close such an exciting trip! We had fro-yo this weekend and thought of you guys :) Can't wait for you both to get back and catch up!

  2. I have loved reading your blog and can't wait to hear more in person! Did not know y'all were going to Greece to finish the trip out. So exciting!!
