Friday, September 9, 2011

Gift Card Shower

If you are reading this and you know some people getting ready to become foster parents (heck, even if they are already foster parents) throw them a Gift Card Shower.  It's a great idea and practical way to help them. Foster parents are in a unique position. They don't exactly know what the ages of the children that will be placed with them or the gender. It's hard to prepare for new kids when you don't know what to buy. You can't create a traditional registry because a car seat or high chair for one age is a totally different size for another age child. In addition, often times foster parents will send the child back home with all their new clothes and favorite toys -depleting the foster home's toy and clothes supply.

Solution? Gift Cards!!!

Community group ladies
Enter our church community group. Nick and I have "done life" with these couples for the last 6 years. We've been through pre-marital equipping classes, weddings, home purchases, babies and now fostering with these dear friends. They have prayed over and for us and are ready to battle along side us as we enter the fostering ministry. If you don't have a community group, stop right now and call your local church and ask them to put you in one. It will change your life and your view of the Christian community.

Remember this? They threw us a grew gift card shower and we were so humbled and blessed by the group of friends who turned out to support us.  Here are some pics of the swanky event.

People signed a framed mat with their wishes and prayers for the kids to hang in the littles' room.

Delicious cake. Cream cheese icing makes me weak in the knees.

Community group guys 


We have our stack of gift cards ready to be used when we get our first phone call for placements.
Our friends are the best!


  1. I really greatly admire what you guys are doing! Michael

  2. How sweet is this! I have to say I am slightly jealous, haha! We've had five foster children in the past year, and no one(save one very dear friend) has so much as offered to buy them an outfit, much less throw us a shower!

    What a blessing to have such support. <3 Your friends are ministering "to the widows and the orphans" even though they aren't the ones called to foster/adopt! That is how the body of Christ should work.
