Sunday, January 2, 2011

Game On

It’s the first day of 2011. It’s the time of year we all reminisce about the past 12 months and make grandiose statements of the coming year. I’ll play along.
Let’s see, 2010 was good. I moved to a new job, the hubby aced grad school, we made some amazing friends and we grew in our faith. There were some sad things too. Our sweet cat of 11 years died and my mother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer. (cancer – boo)

Onto the the hopeful statements for 2011:
1) eat more vegetables
2) go to the zoo
3) incorporate a celebratory robot dance into daily conversation
4) go to Africa with my hubs
5) form a band
6) enter a battle of the bands with newly formed band and dominate
7) Jump into the unknown abyss (aka: Foster Care System)

More on #7
So, how did we get to #7? Well, it was a long process. I’m sure there will be several blog posts describing in great detail the many conversations and prayers we had that brought us to our decision. The bottom line is it was a call from the Lord placed on our lives. When the Lord says move, you better move.
I'm not gunna lie, we are completely freaked out. This does not make sense. We have never been parents. We have not felt the urge to have a baby. (yet) I slept until 12 noon today. For Pete’s sake – I have a beautiful white sofa. There is nothing in our lives that lends itself to familydom.
However, there is a sense of excitement layered in with the fear. In my thirty years I have learned a few things about myself. I like adventure, adrenaline, and the unknown. I keep reminding myself that these are the things I enjoy in life. The pep-talk goes something like this. "I can do this. Be brave. Keep moving forward. God will make a way."

Imagine, if you will, a Monopoly board. We are on the “Go” square. (minus the "collect $200")

After months of research, talking with local foster parents, and interviews with agencies, we are ready to roll.
Nick on speaker-phone, talking with a foster care agency
We chose our agency, submitted our initial paperwork and signed up for our pre-service training.

So here we go. GAME ON!

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