Friday, February 4, 2011

60th Anniversary

Our church recently had its 60th anniversary - it was an amazing service that ended with a "cardboard testimony" from various church members. If you're unfamiliar with the cardboard testimony, it's a simple message on a piece of cardboard that has your testimony on it (i.e. something you've struggled with on one side and how God has brought you through it on the other). We were asked to participate and it was one of the most emotional, beautiful, and God glorifying things we've ever been a part of... here's some video footage from our Flip cam below (thanks Kahns!).

 It's hard to make out the writing on our sign from the video. You can see the high quality church footage here (The cardboard testimonies start at 1:05 but the whole sermon is great and not to be missed). And for those too lazy to wait for the high quality video to load this is what we had written on each side:


  1. watched the church video... so amazing. Crying long before y'all hit the stage. :)

    Thank you so much for sharing your journey. Just know that people are praying for you every step along the way.

  2. i don't know why but those signs made me tear up, maybe because i can relate all too much!
